Stable Diffusion Art Gallery


Stable Diffusion is one of the best AI Art Generator programs out there today, and best of all: it’s free. All the images shown here were generated on a Windows 11 laptop with a 6Gb Nvidia 3070 graphics card using the NMKD desktop SD app. The variations were achieved by downloading various models/styles from Hugging Face.

Thousand Year Old Vampire: Journal of Grimaud de Fremay


After hearing and reading so much about it, I decided to dive in and try out Thousand Year Old Vampire by Tim Hutchings. I have it in my head that I’d like to play a young Frankish knight from the Dark Age reign of Charlemagne, so I dig out my copy of Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne by Ruben in ’t Groen because not only is it a great historical RPG but it also provides a lot of the detail for the initial period that I’ll need.

Building Compendia for Foundry VTT


Creating A Compendium

From the official Knowledge Base and the community web site, there are two explanations given on how to create a compendium for Foundry VTT, others are often discussed on the Discord server. The first, and most obvious, is to create it manually within a game world, but this has several limitations: it’s slow and time consuming to create and edit once created, and (without some jiggery-pokery) the compendium is bound to that particular world and not easily re-used across several game worlds.