There were nine gods; that much is certain. But a void in the common knowledge burns brighter the more scholars study it. The fact is that two gods are lost to the ages. Their names purged from all ancestries’ memories. Their imagery vandalized, destroyed, or stolen. And yet, some texts from eons ago still mention these gods; though never by name. Not men, nor elves, nor dragons can make sense of this lack of information. Why were these gods purged from existence? Is this a punishment? Will they ever be known again? Scholars have wondered about those questions for centuries. Still, they hope that a new text, relic, or ancient location shall soon be unearthed and that it may hold the key to understanding the forgone past.
Into The Cave of Sins
From the expansive underground cavern near the entrance, our adventurers cautiously venture deeper, their eyes darting around, wary of any hidden dangers. The eerie echoes of their footsteps reverberate off the cavern walls, creating an unsettling symphony in the dimly lit chamber. They’re on edge, knowing after those skeletons that the cavern’s secrets are not to be taken lightly.
Equius, the warrior priest of the Elves of Eysa Thalore, leads with a sense of purpose, his divine faith guiding him through the darkness. He periodically murmurs prayers for guidance and protection, his holy symbol gleaming softly in the dim light. Anrikk, the Goblin wizard, and his companion Grixx, the Alchemist from Fogbury, followed closely behind, their arcane and alchemical talents at the ready, casting occasional glimmers of magical light to reveal hidden paths. Miras and Oninsp, provide point and rear guard, their keen senses alert to any sounds or scents that might betray lurking dangers. Their bows at the ready, arrows nocked and poised to strike with deadly accuracy.
Moving further into the caves, the rhythmic sound of dripping water grows more pronounced as does a low murmuring or chanting from the unknown depths. As they move onward, the ground shakes briefly and dust & dirt along with some loose stones fall from the ceiling. An unseen wave, like a strong breath of air, passes through the caverns on occasion, extinguishing torches and forcing them to be re-lit before the group can continue. These are definitely NOT your average caverns, they think as one.
As our heroes enter a new subterranean area, they come across the unexpected: a young lady, finely dressed but covered in weeks of grime & dirt paces back and forth across another cavern, muttering under her breath. Could this perhaps be the Lady Anna they’re looking for?
While Grix and Anrikk talk to the girl, who certainly appears to fit the description of Lady Anna, Equius notices a large golden vase standing on a carved stone plinth against the north wall. Investigating further, he finds that it is full of a thick dark red liquid, the smell of which is instantly recognizable to anyone who has experienced battle: blood!
But, all this time unbeknownst to them and having heard the party’s movement & chatter, a group of sinister cultists lie in wait, concealed behind a massive stone tendril that juts out from the cavern wall. Shrouded in dark robes, their faces obscured by eerie masks, they watch the adventurers’ every move.

The ambush begins when the adventurers draw near the stone tendril. With a sudden malevolent cry, the cultists leap from their hiding spots, their dark intentions evident in their eyes. The cavern is momentarily filled with an unsettling chorus of their wicked shrieking.
Chaos erupts as the cultists converge on the adventurers. The element of surprise is on their side, and they strike swiftly and mercilessly. One cultist lunges at Equius with a wickedly curved sword, while another flings a vial of poisonous liquid toward Anrikk, who narrowly dodges it, but his robes are splattered with the deadly substance.
Miras, ever nimble, attempts to evade the ambush, but a cultist darts in front of him, swinging their sword to block his path. The elf is forced to engage in a tense duel, swords flashing in the dim light as he tries to fend off the assailant.
Equius raises his hammer and invokes his deity’s protection as she finds herself surrounded by cultists. They hurl dark spells and curses at him, trying to break through his divine defenses.
Despite their valiant efforts, luck is not on their side and the adventurers find themselves overwhelmed by the coordinated and relentless assault. Slowly but surely, their defenses crumble, and their strength wanes. Spells and attacks take their toll, and one by one, the adventurers are struck down. The cavern is filled with the triumphant laughter of the cultists as they stand over their defeated foes, gloating in their sinister victory as everything goes black for our heroes.
The adventurers are captured1, their bodies bound and their consciousness fading as they are dragged deeper into the dark and treacherous depths of the underground cavern. The cultists have achieved their goal, and the fate of the adventurers now rests in the hands of their captors, trapped in the heart of the underground labyrinth.
The fight with the cultists did not go well, and all party members finished the combat having fallen (reduced to 0 HP) but not necessarily dead. The cultists could have chosen to finish them all off, but it appears they have a more sinister fate in mind for our heroes. ↩︎